George Zimmerman, CME Consulting
George Zimmerman is an independent consultant, specializing in physical layer communications technology. Dr. Zimmerman’s technical interests focus on communications and signal processing near the fundamental limits and energy efficiency at the PHY and system levels. He is currently active in the IEEE 802.3 working group, currently the editor for the IEEE P802.3bq 25/40GBASE-T and IEEE P802.3bz 2.5G/5GBASE-T projects, as well as active in the IEEE 4 Pair Power over Ethernet Task Force and various other 802.3 projects. He has been a defining force in the development of multiple Ethernet technologies, including 10GBASE-T, Energy Efficient Ethernet, as well as various DSL (now EFM) technologies. George holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Caltech, and an undergraduate degree from Stanford University. He founded Solarflare Communications and was most recently CTO of its PHY group (currently Marvell), and holds more than a dozen patents related to efficient implementations of high-speed Ethernet technology. As a consultant, his clients include networking systems, cabling infrastructure, and physical-layer silicon companies.