IEEE 1588™ and IEEE P802.3bf Time Synchronization Interoperability Test Event CFI

IEEE Plugfest PoE Certification Technology Tradeshow Webinar

The Ethernet Alliance Carrier Ethernet Subcommittee is hosting Call for Interest conference calls for IEEE 1588 and IEEE P802.3bf interoperability test event targeted for the first quarter of 2011.

The Ethernet Alliance invites both members and non-members to participate in this first Carrier Ethernet interoperability test event for equipment designed to the IEEE 1588 and IEEE P802.3bf.  The goal of the event will be to perform testing across a broad vendor community, exercise interoperability across multiple platforms and assist participants in addressing potential interoperability issues.

These interoperability test events help vendors create interoperable, market-ready products that are based upon the IEEE 1588 and IEEE P802.3bf.
