LISA Conference

San Diego, CA
IEEE Plugfest PoE Certification Technology Tradeshow Webinar

The annual LISA conference is the meeting place of choice for system and network administrators and engineers; it is the crossroads of Web operations, DevOps, enterprise computing, educational computing, and research computing. The conference serves as a venue for a lively, diverse, and rich mix of technologists of all specialties and levels of expertise. 

Technical Program: Invited Talks I, The Evolution of Ethernet

Speakers, John D’Ambrosia and Chauncey Schwartz

The Evolution of Ethernet

Ethernet is the dominant networking technology, driving an interwoven interconnected eco-system that includes cloud computing, data centers, enterprises, high-performance computing, and millions of servers and end users. While solutions range in speeds from 10 Megabit to 100 Gigabit, the reality is that there is more to Ethernet than feeds and speeds. Ethernet continues to evolve to meet the needs of the networking industry, and to grow into areas that wish to leverage networking and the benefits of Ethernet. For this session the Ethernet Alliance will bring together the expertise within its membership to provide an overview on the state of Ethernet standards, technology, and deployment.
